TarTan Annual Picnic

Flaherty Field Trial Area
East Windsor, CT
June 24, 2007


At this year's TarTan Picnic, here were lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of food, lots of great things to do and lots of beautiful weather.

Jim Dillon and Ralph Schmid were our bird trainers, and plenty of dogs got a chance to show their “stuff” in the field.

Faith Grogan was our guest judge for the fun match where our beautiful black and tan’s, including Trudy the French Bulldog (who is kind of black and tan), competed for fabulous prizes and the chance to be best in the Picnic.

More fun was had at the games hosted by Val Schmid. This year was the first year of the Gordon Idol games. Our dogs did us proud. And as always there was great food to get us through the day.

Jerry and Candice Bell, and Debbie Friedus, again donated their time to do micro-chipping and CHIC DNA.

Thanks to all who helped out and to those who came to enjoy this great day of fun, frolic and friends!

Robin Marshall

Photos courtesy of Laura Bedford
29 photos on this page, please be patient while they load.

Beth Beatty with Flyer.

Robin Marshall with Pixie.

Catherine with ?

Bill Hardie with Thistle.

Ralph Schmid with Honorary Gordon, Trudy.

Jane deCasteja with Laure.

Liz Wilshire "counseling" young handler,
Stephanie and Hubble looking on.

Sue DeSilver with Rowdy,
? behind.

Colleen Banks with Bados.

? followed by Jane deCasteja.

Meeting of the minds (human & canine).

Catherine with ?, competing in the "bubble" event with Val Schmid

Beth Beatty with Flyer.

Stephanie with her sister, and Hubble.

"William" looking for birds, held by Ralph Schmid.

Jim Dillon addressing participants in the fun field activity.

Bill "steadying" William, as Ralph holds on.

Bill Fralik and Ralph Schmid restrain an exuberant "William" as he sees a bird.

Beth Beatty working Flyer.

Watching the "action".

Jim Dillon with Bados.

Bill Hardie "speaking" to dogs.

Liz Wilshere working Stella.

Liz Wilshere working Stella with Bill looking on.

Faith Grogan looking at the line-up.

Examing the dogs.

Ready for the final go-round.

"Non-black-and-tan" class.

Best in Match: "Rowdy" with Susan DeSilver
Best of Opposite in Match: "Laure" with Jane deCasteja